Visual Planes
Tunnel Vision
You can see in the example tunnel vision is very focused. This is caused by adrenaline rushes in the body most commonly. In this state it takes the body time to process and respond to stimulus. This is why someone can be punched so very easily. We begin training in tunnel vision but learn to relax and have faith in our skills.
Peripheral Vision
In this sample, the graph shows the range of different peripheral visions. Training as to the position of the head during an attack can also change what is seen in this field. Since the mind is calm and the vision is considered to be soft, movement is quicker, smoother, and much faster. Training this kind of vision will improve your results!
Posture training, when combined with visual training, gives us clues to what we see and also what our opponent sees in combat. When utilizing tunnel vision and when the posture is directly straight, the visual plane is cut in half. Anything to the side of the head is out of visual range. However, if you are looking down, in a crouched position, and utilizing peripheral vision, the head is slumped and the posture is forward. This gives us the ability to see 360 degrees.
When an opponent is striking you, he is utilizing tunnel vision. If your timing is proper and if you evade the opponent's movement using the proper Octagon angles, you can reposition yourself outside of your opponent's sight line.
In the writings of Mitose, he talks about school children who can avoid someone who is trying to catch them. This is called "innocent technique." A student who is able to move and manipulate another person, who is merely following his own path, will find himself very effective in his escaping arts.
Another example is football. A good football player learns to see the total field without looking. He is skilled in his use of peripheral vision concerning all of the players and their positioning on the field.
The escaping arts are very important. There are many things that you will see in the chapters to follow which deal with the same principles. As you read this book, I will give out master keys. You will not understand everything at once but as you study, deeper levels of understanding will take place. Future volumes will cover these and other principles in greater depth. As Mitose Sensei said, "look for similarities." Everything represents knowledge. Follow the same master keys to find that knowledge.