Category Archives for Mini Course

Kosho Mini Course Lesson Five

Welcome to the final lesson… lesson 5!

I hope you enjoyed this course. I’d love to know what worked best as well as how I could improve the experience. Feel free to reply to share your thoughts.

If you enjoyed this course, and you wish to continue your Kosho Ryu education in earnest then I suggest my Introduction to Kosho Ryu Video Course. This is part of the Kosho Core Concepts Series

I began my own Kosho Ryu training back in 2000 under Shidoshi Richard Buchan, who was a student of Hanshi Bruce Juchnik. We worked together for better then a year before we parted company. But I had incorporated the teachings into everything I taught in the Dojo. I revolutionized my root art! 

But then in early 2021 I decided to once again pursue the knowledge of Kosho Ryu formally and contacted Hanshi Juchnik. This was a great review to polish the skills and understanding I previous had, however and most important I began a journey of NEW discoveries and learning with the only TRUE living Grand Master of Kosho Ryu. The man the 21 Grand Master James Mitose left his art to Hanshi Bruce Juchnik. 

Kosho Ryu is a complete martial art system unlike no other. It is concept and principle based and is a life long learning journey. And the most important thing is we continue to learn.

Continued Education:

With my Kosho Core Concepts Series, you’ll learn this and more:

Kosho can enhance every aspects of your current style or system. And it will also make your usage of pressure points far more effective! If you want to get started right now use the promotion code ‘crash‘ without the quotes and you can purchase my Introduction to Kosho Ryu Course at a special discount. 

Here is today’s video!

Kosho Mini Course Lesson Four

We’re in the home stretch! Next up… lesson 4!

Well today we are going to talk about and demonstrate using ‘peripheral’ vision in your Kosho Ryu training. This is an important goal to become calm enough, and centered enough under stress to see clearly!

I hope you enjoyed today’s lesson! Remember if you have any questions simply reply to this email. I am happy to answer!

Kosho Mini Course Lesson Three

Ready to dive into lesson 3?

In this next lesson I am going to focus, no pun intended on Tunnel Vision. This is what happens during an attack due to adreneline rush!

I hope you enjoyed today’s lesson! Tomorrow, we’ll cover peripheral vision! Enjoy the video!

Kosho Mini Course Lesson Two

Welcome to Lesson Two! In this today’s video I am going to look at the Art of Escape and its importance in martial arts today.

Kosho Mini Course Lesson One

Welcome to lesson one of the Kosho Ryu Mini Course! Below is your video! Enjoy the lesson!

Kosho Ryu International