Advanced Principles of Kyusho Jitsu
Now it is time to look at the next set of five principles. Next we have 5 advanced principles of Kyusho Jitsu. These all build and enhance the first 5! They are as follows:
- Attack Using the 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle – Understanding how the energy clock in the body works, the flow of energy and how to disrupt it.
- Stances – Understanding the role of stances in martial art and Kyusho Jitsu self defense.
- Colour – Colour has an effect on the human body. It can control moods and health. This is a very powerful principle!
- Sound – The effect of sound on the body. This is one of the most devastating of Kyusho Jitsu Principles.
- The Cycle of Emotions – The Triple Warmer Meridian controls the emotions of the person. This is tied to the endocrine system. This is a powerful self defense principles!
Now let’s breakdown each of these 5 Principles of Advanced Kyusho Jitsu:
- 1. Attack Using the 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle – Understanding how the energy clock in the body works, the flow of energy and how to disrupt it. The 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle refers to the concept that energy flows through the body based on a 24-hour clock. Each organ system has a specific time during which it is most active and can be more easily targeted. By understanding this energy flow and its disruptions, one can effectively attack specific organs or systems at their most vulnerable states.
- 2. Stances – Understanding the role of stances in martial art and Kyusho Jitsu self defense. Stances are fundamental to martial arts and play a crucial role in executing techniques effectively. In the context of Kyusho Jitsu, stances provide a solid foundation and proper alignment, optimizing the application of pressure points and enhancing the overall effectiveness of self-defense techniques.
- 3. Colour – Colour has an effect on the human body. It can control moods and health. This is a very powerful principle! Colors have a profound impact on human psychology and physiology. Different colors can evoke various emotions, influence mood, and even affect physical health. In the context of Kyusho Jitsu, understanding and utilizing the power of color can be used to manipulate an opponent's emotional and physiological state, creating opportunities for effective self-defense.
- 4. Sound – The effect of sound on the body. This is one of the most devastating of Kyusho Jitsu Principles. Sound has a powerful influence on the human body and can be harnessed to disrupt an opponent's balance and stability, as well as to cause physical discomfort. By utilizing specific sounds or frequencies, Kyusho Jitsu practitioners can exploit the body's vulnerabilities and incapacitate an attacker effectively.
- 5. The Cycle of Emotions – The Triple Warmer Meridian controls the emotions of the person. This is tied to the endocrine system. This is a powerful self-defense principle! The Cycle of Emotions principle focuses on the connection between the Triple Warmer Meridian, an energy pathway in traditional Chinese medicine, and the regulation of emotions. By understanding this connection, Kyusho Jitsu practitioners can manipulate an assailant's emotional state, disrupting their focus, and providing an advantageous opportunity for self-defense.
Kyusho Jitsu 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle
First, let's breakdown the cycle of the Kyusho Jitsu 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle. It is crucial for all Kyusho Jitsu students to memorize and be able to recite this cycle forward and backward.
24 Hour Cycle – 1st 12 Hours:
- 3:00 am – 5:00 am – Lung
- 5:00 am – 7:00 am – Large Intestine
- 7:00 am – 9:00 am – Stomach
- 9:00 am to 11:00 am – Spleen
- 11:00 am – 1:00 pm – Heart
- 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm – Small Intestine
24 Hour Cycle – 2nd 12 Hours:
- 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm – Bladder
- 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm – Kidney
- 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Pericardium
- 9:00 pm – 11:00 pm – Triple Warmer
- 11:00 pm – 1:00 am – Gall Bladder
- 1:00 am – 3:00 am – Liver
The 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle represents the energy flow cycle of the 12 meridians in the body. It is important to note the Yin/Yang aspects of each organ in this cycle, as it will be crucial for further understanding in the study of Kyusho Jitsu. The specific time periods denote the vulnerable period of each organ, making them more susceptible to attack.
For example, the Gall Bladder meridian is at its most vulnerable from 11:00 pm to 1:00 am. Attacks targeting the GB-20 point during this time will have a more devastating effect. Additionally, the consumption of alcohol during this time weakens the Gall Bladder further, amplifying the potential impact of an attack.
Advanced Principles of Kyusho Jitsu: Stance Principles
Kyusho Jitsu Stances relate directly to an element of the body, but it requires a balance between mobility and stability. The effectiveness of stances lies in the motion into the stance, followed by a pause and movement once again. Let's explore the major stances used in Kyusho Jitsu:
- Forward Bo [Walking Stance] - 🔥 Fire element
- Neutral Bo - 🔥 Fire element
- 45 Degree Cat Stance - 🪶 Metal element
- Horse Stance Toes Out - 🌳 Wood element
- Horse Stance Toes Forward - 🌍 Earth element
- X Stance, Crane, Crossover, etc. - 💧 Water element
Forward Bo: This is a commonly used stance in various martial arts. It is a fire stance that primarily affects the Pericardium and Triple Warmer, with a secondary effect on the Heart and Small Intestine. It enhances power in the reverse hand. The depth of the stance determines its impact.
Neutral Bo: The second fire stance is a shorter stance with the weight evenly distributed on both legs. The body faces forward, and the feet are at a 45-degree angle from the body. This stance empowers the lead hand and works well for finger locks targeting the Heart/Small Intestine.
45 Degree Cat Stance: This strong metal stance generates power during the retraction of the front foot. Care must be taken not to bring the foot too far back, as it may touch the Pedestal leg and diminish the metal effect. It activates the lead hand.
Horse Stance Toes Out: This is the wood stance, where the weight is centered, knees are bent, and toes are pointed out. The wood element dominates in this stance. Interestingly, it also shifts the body's energy balance towards the rear and is useful for defending against attacks from behind.
Horse Stance Toes Forward: The second Horse Stance, known as the Earth Stance, features toes pointing forward. This stance is excellent for leveling the playing field when facing a larger/taller opponent.
X or Cross Over Stance: The power of this Water Stance lies in the step itself. While Taekwondo has a slightly different variation, stepping behind rather than in front, it is less effective. If the legs touch, the water effect decreases, similar to a kinked hose. The same applies to the Crane Stance, where the water effect stops once the foot reaches the pedestal leg.
Stances are a stand-alone principle that enhances both the Cycle of Destruction and Attack Using Correct Body Mechanics. Remember that a stance is not a position to be maintained, but rather something to transition through.
In traditional karate, stances are often performed very deeply, which enhances their effectiveness in Kyusho Jitsu. However, this can restrict mobility, which is crucial. It is the ability to move in and out of stances that magnifies their power. For example, transitioning from a wrist lock and Neutral Bo stance to an X Stance, and then smoothly transitioning out of it into a throw!
Advanced Principles of Kyusho Jitsu: The Colour Principle
The Colour Principle is a fascinating aspect of pressure point self-defense known as Kyusho Jitsu. Often overlooked, colour can have a significant impact on the body and its physiological responses. While colours are commonly associated with healing properties, they can also be used in destructive ways. In this lesson, we will explore the Kyusho Jitsu Colour Principle in detail.
Understanding the Colour Principle
In Kyusho Jitsu, each element of the body has both a "healing" colour and a "destructive" colour. By understanding and applying the effects of these colours, practitioners can achieve dramatic results in manipulating the body's responses. However, mastering this principle requires a more right-brained approach, as it involves tapping into the power of imagination and visualization.
The Influence of Colour on the Brain
Colour, like sound, is a subject of controversy in the science of pressure point self-defense. However, there is substantial mainstream scientific evidence supporting the influence of colour on the brain and physiology. Colour is part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum and can impact our physiology by influencing anxiety levels, pulse rate, blood flow, and arousal.
Studies have shown that colour significantly affects memory recall. When compared to words or objects, people recall colour to a higher degree. This reinforces the idea that colour has a powerful influence on the brain. Considering the brain's central role in the body's functioning, the Kyusho Jitsu Colour Principle becomes even more significant.
Applying the Kyusho Jitsu Colour Principle
To effectively apply the Colour Principle in Kyusho Jitsu, it is essential to memorize the effects of different colours. Here is an example of how this principle can be used:
- Imagine you are working with an Uke who is wearing a red gi. In this scenario, red represents the destructive colour for the Fire element. By targeting a fire meridian with your strike, you can witness the strong effect it has.
- Now, envision yourself wearing a red gi. In this case, you can utilize the healing aspect of the colour to enhance your fire element and weaken their metal element. By using the appropriate destructive colour against the attack and employing the healing colour to bolster yourself, you can achieve a straightforward and effective strategy.
Black is a unique colour in the Colour Principle. Considered as a "non-colour," black can be used to represent any other colour as your imagination allows. Additionally, black has healing properties for water elements.
On the other hand, white is considered a neutral colour since it encompasses all colours. Therefore, it doesn't have specific healing or destructive properties.
Remember, it is not necessary to have the actual colour present to use it effectively. You can easily visualize the colour by simply saying its name. The Uke doesn't need to have any knowledge of the Colour Principle for it to work.
By experimenting with colour and following these basic rules, you will witness remarkable results in your Kyusho Jitsu practice.
Advanced Principles of Kyusho Jitsu
The principle of sound in Kyusho Jitsu is a powerful tool that can be utilized in various ways. There are three types of sound to consider: healing sounds, destructive sounds, and directional sounds. When used correctly, these sounds can enhance the effectiveness of techniques and applications.
Healing Sounds
- A: Arms going out to the side (right and left)
- E: Arms coming across the body
- I: Arms going up
- O: Straight out (Arms going straight out)
- U: Arms going down
- Ning: Arms going back and down at 45 degrees
These healing sounds are used in chi building and should be practiced while facing the north direction. It's important not to perform these sounds after consuming alcohol, as it may cause discomfort.
Destructive Sounds
Destructive sounds are linked to elements and meridians. They should be practiced with caution due to their potent nature. These sounds can be combined with directional movements to increase their effectiveness.
For example, when applying a wrist lock with downward pressure, saying "kyu" loudly and holding it can enhance the technique. Similarly, when experiencing a wrist lock from an opponent, using the sound "sho" while standing up can help neutralize the technique.
When using destructive sounds, it's essential to apply them directly on the element associated with the meridian being attacked. For instance, using the metal sound "cee" while striking LI-10 targets the metal element. Chain-linking sounds can also be utilized for a more powerful effect.
Caution should be exercised to avoid dangerous points like TW-23, SP-21, and TW-17 when using sound. These points carry a higher risk of injury and are more suitable for life-and-death situations rather than demonstrations.
Vessel Sound
The sound "ahhh" serves as the vessel sound for Conception and Governor. It can be used effectively for techniques such as "no-touch knockouts." However, caution should be exercised to avoid points such as CO-14 and CO-17, which are alarm points for Pericardium and Heart.
Universal Sound
The universal sound in Kyusho Jitsu is "ki-ah," which covers fire and the vessels. When unsure about which sound to use, ki-ah can be employed to attack various elements and meridians. It is a safer option compared to other sounds but remains highly effective.
As practitioners become more adept with using sound, they can start omitting vocalization while still maintaining the mental intention. The vibrations produced by the vocal cords when reading or thinking the sound can still create an impact. Passion and intensity in the thought process are crucial for successful application.
Principle Cycle of Emotions

- Happiness destroys Anger.
- Anger destroys Grief.
- Grief destroys Happiness.
The Kyusho Cycle of Emotions and YOU
The first issue with the application of the Kyusho Cycle of Emotions is that you, the defending need to be in control of you emotions. This is not an easy task and requires serious practice to achieve.
In a demonstration it is very easy to use the Kyusho Cycle of Emotions because it is a controlled environment. So as an example you have the Uke attack you after working up some anger, then you hit him at ST-05 while laughing at him and you will have a DEEP Neurological Knockout. Pretty cool eh? But as you can imagine to laugh at someone trying to hurt you would not be easy. FEAR is the normal psychological response.
The fight or flight reflex kicks in. Now you may be able to defense yourself no problems. But changing the "emotional" state you are in is different. That is a big challenge! Plus it needs to be pure, not just an ego mask! Therefore it is an idea good to understand the physiological happening of what are emotions to get a real understanding of how this works.