Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory. How to be prepared for the streets

Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory of the Octagon.

Kosho Ryu Octagon

The teachings of Kosho Ryu revolve around the usage of the Octagon. This is the core basic teaching. However when you are finished this
paper, and the video course, you still have notarrived. This is scratching the surface of Kosho Ryu. Such a small scratch you would not notice it if it was an iceberg is what I am referring too. The Octagon to the right is the start point.

And here I will discuss the art of escape, This is the first coreteaching of Kosho. To escape and do no harm. I do suggest for training purposes that you make anOctagon on your training floor. Also add the numbers to it. It does not need to be perfect. However the lines emulating from the center should
all be there. The upper sides of the triangle are not necessary. I used to do this on any floor when I taught Octagon on with simple masking tape.

Now from here is is important to understand that you are standing at the center of the Octagon, and the opponent is always at the number 1 position.
Upon the opponent launching an attack you will step to one of the different angles or numbers of the Octagon. This is based on how far away the opponent is to you when the attack is launched. The Octagon will expand or contract in order to remain concurrent with the movement. This is called the
Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory.

The teachings of Kosho Ryu revolve around the usage of the Octagon. This is the core basic teaching. However when you are finished this paper, and the video course, you still have not arrived. This is scratching the surface of Kosho Ryu. Such a small scratch you would not notice it ifit was an iceberg is what I am referring too. On to more of the Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory.

Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory

The Octagon above is the start point. And here I will discuss the art of escape, This is the first core teaching of Kosho. To escape and do no harm.
I do suggest for training purposes that you make an Octagon on your training floor. Also add the numbers to it. It does not need to be perfect.

However the lines emulating from the center should all be there. The upper sides of the triangle are not necessary. I used to do this on any floor when I taught Octagon on with simple masking tape.

Now from here is is important to understand that you are standing at the center of the Octagon, and the opponent is always at the number 1 position.

Upon the opponent launching an attack you will step to one of the different angles or numbers of the Octagon. This is based on how far away the opponent is to you when the attack is launched. The Octagon will expand or contract in order to remain concurrent with the movement.

This is called the Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory.

Where you move on the Octagon is based on how far away the attacker is from you when he or she launches the first strike. And there will always be more than one strike. Only in a martial art Dojo does an attacker punch and then remain still to be countered.

Let break down the Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory now.

Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory – From a 12 Foot Distance:

Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory

First I must discuss the 2 different visual states we exist within. The first is tunnel vision. This is the state most people are in during any kind of attack. The eyes focus on a target and much of the peripheral vision is lost. In truth people spend more time in tunnel vision than anything else. As I am typing this I am in tunnel vision.

One of the many objectives of Kosho study is to learn to be in peripheral vision. To see without actually looking. The brain responds quicker to stimulus in this case. As you will read below. If the opponent attacks from a 12 foot distance and you are in tunnel vision, the attacker is always in tunnel vision, you will step up to the half left or half right depending on which foot your weight iscentered on. If the weight is on the right foot, you step left to the 5 on the Octagon. If on the left foot you step right to the 7 of the Octagon.

The attacker will punch with full force to the position you are stand at in the center of the Octagon. However you will move as soon as you see motion from the opponent therefore you will not be there when the punch arrives. Because the attacker is in tunnel vision you will disappear from his or
her line of sight. After you step to one angle you would also step again “twice” and would then be behind the attacker. You have escaped.

If you are very well trained and in peripheral vision as this happens there is nothing you need to do, You can wait for the opponent to enter the 6 foot distance space.

Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory – 6 Foot Distance:

Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory

The same rules as above apply here. I the Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory at 6 foot in tunnel vision you step to the full left or full right depending on weight distribution. This is 3 and 4 on the Octagon. Under peripheral vision you step up to angles 5 or 7 depending on weight distribution.

And you will step twice which will put you behind the attacker. Again you have escaped.

Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory – 3 Foot Distance:

Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory

In the Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory at a 3 foot is distance you, under tunnel vision step back to the 8 or 6 depending again on weight distribution. Under peripheral vision you step to the full left or right, the 3 and 4 of the Octagon.

The second step will also put you behind the attacker. The 2 position is not used.

Now Kosho only works when someone is trying to hit you. A jab is not an attempt to do damage, but is to goat you to engage. The attacker must move full out. It will take you a while to get to thepoint were you are training full power. This is why it is so important to also view my 5 Lesson Kosho Ryu Mini Course. After this have a look at my Introduction to Kosho Ryu Video Course.

This is the place were all students must begin in their training. And once understood to a reasonable level you can move on. And this is the basic understanding of the Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory.

Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory in Conclusion

Thank you for reading about Kosho Ryu 12-6-3 Theory. If you have any questions there is a for below in which you can ask.

This text is from my Beginners Kosho Ryu Guide which is free of charge from the link provided. And also consider getting a copy of my FREE eBook called a Disciplined Mind.


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Have a great day!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

About the Author Grand Master Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason is a former Dojo owner, author and entrepreneur living in his chosen country of Romania with his son and Huskies.

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